Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014 - ,, No comments

And Today's Idiom Is ...

It's funny. I think of this as my primary blog. Even though there can sometimes be longer breaks, this is the place I come when I have something to say, or there is something earth shattering to share.

Traffic to this site can ebb and flow depending on the topic and my timeliness in talking about it. However, I have another blog, And Today's Idiom Is ... I started it for the international students at the seminary I attended several years ago. My friends would often ask me questions about idioms as they were improving their English fluency.

It became kind of a joke. I would smile and say, "And, today's idiom is..." Then, one day, I thought that it might be helpful to document it online. People could ask on the website if they needed anything, and I could post things as I came across them.

Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses
As my friends got more fluent in English and the pressures of grad school mounted, my posting waned. I haven't posted there regularly in years. Yet, it remains a higher traffic blog. I can work on this one like stink, but it's the one that I hardly ever look at that is the most popular. How weird is that?


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