Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - , 4 comments

Two on Tuesday ... An Attitude of Gratitude

Thanks to Nessa for the idea (though I may have tweeked it). I was doing something with 13 last week, and it was way beyond my capacity. Two is much more do-able. ;)

I want to do a little more to ac-cen-tuate the positive in my life.  Two things shouldn't be too stressful, right?
  1. I have a place that's warm, safe and dry to sleep tonight.  There are millions of people in the world who can't say that.  There are thousands just in this city.  We even have the shelter space, but they don't feel safe there.  They actually feel safer sleeping on the street.  I am blessed because I don't have to make that choice.
  2. I am blessed because I have this amazing magical device called a computer.  It helps me do so many things.  I could not study or work without it.  (True I probably could do it without this particular one, but I would have to find a substitution somewhere else.)  It is absolutely required.  But perhaps more importantly, it allows me to be social with friends that I wouldn't even know existed otherwise, not to mention the friends and family it helps me keep in touch with.  I probably wouldn't have found out for months that my young cousin Dana got into college today if it weren't for this magical mystical device.

So, that's it for today.  Will I have a Two on Tuesday next week?  Only time will tell. :)


I take time everyday for "thank yous" to God, but I rarely ever think of writing them down. Brilliant idea.

I like what you did with the idea and the two items you picked to be thankful for sure are good ones.

Perfect timing for an "Attitude of Gratitude!" And two good things to be grateful for.

I used to write 5 things I was grateful for every day in my Gratitude Journal but I've gotten out of the habit. It's something I really need to make the time to do--especially when I find myself lacking in time and feeling sorry for myself because of it.

Thanks for the reminder!

I like your statement of "I am blessed" rather than "I am grateful for" too. I may have to adopt that in my own journal. :)

Quilly: It does help to put things in perspective.

Nessa: Brilliant idea though. 2 is at my capacity at the moment. lol

Lisa: You know, I didn't even think about the Thanksgiving holiday coming up. lol It had more to do with being in a funk and trying to find a way to kick it. My mental attitude has improved already! :)

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