Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010 - 7 comments

13 Things I'd Like to Do But Probably Won't

I saw this over @ Nessa's, and I thought I'd give it a try. Upon further investigation I found that I should have come up with my own theme for the list. But you know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  So, here it goes...
  1. Go to China.
  2. Go sailing off the coast of Hawaii.
  3. Get married.
  4. Be a size 12.
  5. Live on a ranch with lots of animinals around.
  6. Win the lottery.
  7. Own a dance school.
  8. Get out of debt.
  9. Dance with a world class ballroom dancer.
  10. Be fluent in foreign languages.
  11. Get my teeth straightened (Well, relocated really. Acutally, they're pretty straight already.)
  12. Play the piano better.
  13. Update my blog more daily (with interesting content).
Wow!  Coming up with 13 of anything is tough.  If I play again, I might turn it into the Thursday 3. lol


What is a animinal? Are they friendly?

#2 -- I lived in Hawaii for almost 3 years and had my first sailboat ride a few weeks ago here in Friday Harbor. sometimes the dream comes true differently than we first believed.

Quilly: Animinals are miniature animals (minimal animals). :P

if you take out the dance stuff since I can't dance and leave off the getting married, been there and done that and it ain't all it's cracked up to be - we pretty much have the same list :)

Dianne: Does that mean that if either one of us wins the lottery we'll split it with each other? ;)

I like your list. I take a few of those myself.

How about a Tuesday Two? Post two really wacky things you'd secretly like to do but won't and say why you won't or something like that. I have nothing to post for Tuesday.

Nessa: That might be an idea, for one week anyway. But would I be willing to reveal my secrets? Would anyone want to hear them? LOL :P

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