Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013 - , 7 comments

Five on Friday

I haven't done one of these in a while, but we're celebrating! It's the beginning of year 4 of Five on Friday with Travis!

Great News! I found a new music service, Grooveshark. I had been using, but then they stopped letting people embed their playlists on other websites/blogs. I found that it takes too long to do this all through Youtube videos. They may not have the recording I like. I may not "appreciate" the images used in the video, etc. But now we have Grooveshark. Hopefully, it'll load faster and automatically go from one song to the next.

Not sure why, but I was on a 70's kick today

Have a happy Friday!


Glad to see you spinning the tunes again, Cherie! Loved Best of My Love.

Julia: It certainly was fun! :)

I'm going to check out this Grooveshark. It would be nice to post in a playlist again instead of videos.

And this was a great Set!

Cool set of tunes.I'll have to check out grooveshark.

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