Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - , 4 comments

From the Jar #32

No, you haven’t missed anything. This is the first time that I’ve participated in From the Jar. It’s something I came across @ Gathering Clancy when I was exploring someone’s blog roll (Travis’, I think.), and I thought it was kind of neat. Clancy has a jar of 365 journal questions, one of which she shares each Wednesday. (If you think about it, 32 is just at the beginning, so I’m getting in on the ground floor here. lol) Anyone who wants to is invited to play along. I thought it would be fun to try.

This week’s question: Describe your mother’s wedding dress. What did you know about her wedding?

When I thought about this earlier today, I recalled my mother’s wedding to my father back in 1966. It was convenient because next to my desk there’s a box of pictures from that wedding. However, she remarried several years ago back when they rescinded the marriage penalty tax. But, surprisingly I have far less information about that one. I didn’t even hear about it until several weeks after it took place, probably part of the reason that I have difficulty remembering the year. lol On the other hand, I wasn’t even born when my parents married …

You know what? It’s hard to describe a wedding dress in any way that makes it distinctive from other dresses. The one from my parents' wedding was white and had a moderately long train. It was short sleeved, but she wore long white gloves. I remember that the short sleeves bothered her because it was considered a “summer” wedding dress, and the wedding was in January. The last two weddings that I went to, the last week of December and the third week of January, both brides were completely sleeveless. I don’t think that kind of thing is as important as it used to be. All I know is that when I look at her picture, I think that she looks indescribably lovely, a bit like Jackie O. Don't you think? ;)

My favorite thing about the wedding is how happy my parents look. They both look as happy as I ever saw either of them in my life. It makes me happy to see them on a day of bliss. It could not always be so, but for at least one day, all was right with the world.


Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm thrilled that you are participating in the weekly jar posts! :)

Your mother is absolutely stunning and very "Jackie O."! I love her "summer dress". They do look wonderfully happy and I'm glad you got to bask in their joy today.

You are lucky to have pictures from the wedding.
My mother and father got married when my mother had a depression make work job which she would lose if she married so they went off to a nearby town and got married by the Lutheran Pastor who promised not to tell anybody. So there are no pictures.

she looks wonderful, the dress is lovely

both of your parents have fantastic smiles

my mother's wedding dress was cocktail length and off white
it had some kind of brocade or something on it - very pretty

she always made me laugh when she told people her dress was so simple because it wasn't a first wedding - everyone would have to remind her that it WAS her first wedding, it was my dad who had been married before

Great memory of a happy day.

Nice to see you back in the blogsphere too!

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