Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 - 4 comments

January Wordle

I don't know whether these have become passe. I don't see them as often as I used to, but I like to use them on my blog from time to time. It's kind of a way to take the pulse of the blog. Actually, what could be cool is posting several of the ones that I've done over the years and compare them.

There are several ways to do it. What I usually do is go to the archive and select all the posts for a month and paste the resulting URL where indicated at www.wordle.net/create. In this case I have too many videos, so I copied all the text and pasted it in the "text" area. Played around with the colors and layout a little bit, and VoilĂ !

As I look at this, I think that my next creative writing assignment is to come up with a story or something based on these words. lol Happy Tuesday!


Oh, man! I cannot IMAGINE what would show up if I tried that! *giggle snort*

LOL That would be a sight to see. :P :)

Interesting. I look at this and the large words that jump out at me first all seem very positive and active. Or maybe it's just me projecting.

I really didn't see that until you mentioned it. I guess that I must have had a pretty good month. Yay! :)

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